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isometris is a perfectly functional game with absolutely zero glitches


Cool game, sounds are a little rough but the game is a really neat twist


Interesting idea!  Takes a little while to figure out how the pieces move and fit together.  I like how the game feels although I find the sound effects pretty grating.  I enjoy the color palette.


A bit glitchy sometimes, great concept but really confusing on the brain lol. The color palette is very pleasing and I like the rotation animation. This game might benefit from tetris 'shadows' to understand better where a piece is going to go, I had a few times I was able to nail it right and other times not so much. Also, the dark triangles on the playing field feel like they're not really playable, a separate color from the background would work a lot better while maintaining the contrast you currently have.

I love strange tetris clones, so this caught my eye immediately. Good work!


Thanks for playing! Definitely some room for improvement on UX, thanks for the suggestions